Tuesday, January 18, 2005

I realize that there is only so much porn you can put on a computer before it starts to slow down. Oh well I guess I'll start to save it to cds.

Banky Edwards: I just have to get something. [Pulls out a huge stack of porno books] Holden: Oh my God. Who are you, Larry fucking Flynt? What are you going to do with all of those? Banky Edwards: Read the articles. What do you think I'm going to do with them? They're stroke books, stupid! Holden: You've got like thirty books there! We're only going to be gone for two days! Banky Edwards: Variety's the spice of life. I like a wide selection. Sometimes I'm in the mood for nasty close-ups, sometimes I like them arty and air-brushed. Sometimes it's a spread brown-eye kind of night, sometimes it's girl-on-girl time. Sometimes a steamy letter will do it, sometimes - not often, but sometimes - I like the idea of a chick with a horse.

Training is going well its a very slow progression for my students but thats the way it should be. For myself I'd just like to find a good solid hour a day when I can practice and meditate instead of 10 minutes here 20 minutes there.

Napoleon Dynamite: You know, there's like a butt-load of gangs at this school. This one gang kept wanting me to join because I'm pretty good with a bowstaff.

So I've got this interview on Saturday with Verizon. Oh sweet Lord, let this one come through!
More money, less hours, quick advancement and less driving sounds like a dream come true.

Jim Young: Anybody who tells you money is the root of all evil doesn't fucking have any.

Picked up another 200 books for the dream store. Slowly but surely. We are running out of room for all the books. But hopefully that problem will have a solution in the near future. Bye-bye debts hello house.

Still kicking around plans for salsa company. I'd like to sit down soon with a few people gather thoughts and ideas about that. I'd really like to have that rolling by the end of the year. It is a very feasible idea people. Work with me we'll all get rich and move to some place where oil doesn't hold sway.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Ever feel like the days been a giant waste of time? Well thats what today is for me. A giant waste of time. Was looking forward to the weekend after work being so shitty. All week we were trying to think of things to do. The weekend gets here and what do I do? Nothing except clean a little bit around here. I could go on but I know for a fact I'll just get in trouble. Anyway what complete waste of time today.

I hope Sunday is better but I really don't think it will be. Oh goodie.
bored now

Sunday, January 09, 2005

On a lighter note I made a fantastic chili yesterday, of course I forgot write down the recipe.

Oh and because I don't feel like answering all the questions for year in review here is a synopsis.

I got married. I got fired. I found a job I now hate. I went to Chicago and Montana. My bird died. My friend had a baby. My money went to bills and overdraft fees. My biggest accomplishment was proposing and getting married to Susan. I wish I had done more training and working out and less working. God I hated work this year. The best book I read was Ghengis Khan. I did not get a lapdance from Lindsay Lohan or Halo 2. The most valuable lesson I learned this year "all I got is my word and my balls and I don't break em for nobody"
The most interesting person I met this year: your mother

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Ok so its a week into the new year. What has been going on so far? I'll tell you. Waiting to here back from Verizon, should be on Monday. Then its peace the fuck out Honda. Bastards every last one of 'em.

There is a new pencak silat school opening less than 20 minutes away from me. Oh yeah its time for some good solid training. I will continue to teach my students while I study there. Speaking of students, they are all doing extremely well.

I set up a budget for the year using Microsoft Money and things don't look nearly so bleak as they did a month ago. Also set up a debt plan, we should be over 75% out of debt by September with all of the little things paid off by April.

Susan is updating her resume and beginning to look for another job soon. She is also driving more often and doing very good. We'll start looking for a second car pretty soon.

Anyway thats about it for right now.